Unlimited Access Lock-pick Set

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Discover Why A New Pocket Sized Tool Is More Important In A Crisis Than Food, Water, Guns, Ammo, First Aid and More!

Imagine having VIP Unlimited Access Lock-pick Set to every place that’s currently “off limits” to you now. Cars, rooms, padlocks, storage units…the list goes on.

During an emergency situation, those “off limits” areas are the biggest thing standing between you and your survival. And if you don’t have the right skills and equipment to access them, there could be disastrous consequences.

With the Ultimate Access Lockpick Set you’ll have a complete set of high quality picks that can open nearly any lock in the world. You’ll also get a see-through practice padlock, so you can bypass the learning curve that most newbies get stuck on and rocket your skills to the master level.

=> See How It Gives You VIP Access To Almost Any Home Or Any Room

This is no ordinary lock pick set.

Picking a “Pin Tumbler” door lock This is why we made the Unlimited Access Lock Pick Set.

With this tool it doesn’t matter if all of your gear is stolen from you. Because when you have this tool it means you have nearly unlimited, unrestricted access to survival supplies you could never get to otherwise.

Which instantly increases your odds of survival.

– Gives You the Power To Walk Through 10,000 Pound Steel Doors Like They’re Not Even There

No one in their right mind will deny locks are a good thing.

They keep valuables safe and bad guys out.

Problem is if your gear is ever stolen, or if you ever run out of gear in a crisis, you’ll be forced to search for more.

In that instance coming across a large stockpile of food where a locked door stands between you and it could mean the difference between starving to death or living for years to come.

This is why it’s so incredibly important to have a lockpick set.

Most people mistakenly believe things like guns and hammers will help you get around locks in a crisis.

Guns won’t works since ammo will be scarce and gunshots will draw crowds.

Brute force won’t work either. You need something simple, stealthy, and all-but guaranteed to help you walk through solid steel doors like they weren’t even there.

And that’s where the The Unlimited Access Lock Pick comes into play.

With this tool chances are there won’t be a locked door you can’t get around.

Even if it’s a 10,000 pound steel door covered entirely by padlocks.

This lock pick set is almost identical to what professional locksmiths use to pick the toughest locks on Earth.

With one small twist.

– Our Custom Lock Pick Set Lets You Sidestep The Most Difficult Part of Lock Picking

Yes, the Ultimate Access Lock Pick is similar to what the pros use.

The biggest difference is this this set makes the normally difficult task of picking a lock incredibly easy.

Thanks to the included practice padlock all it takes is a few minutes of practice time to learn how to pick a lock.

– Clear practice lock lets you see inside No professional lessons required.

The way this works is genius.

As you can see the practice padlock is completely see through.

The X-ray look inside the lock makes it easy to teach yourself how to release the lock pins and pop a lock open in mere minutes.

Something impossible until recently.

Of course we know padlocks aren’t the only lock you might come across in a crisis.

Which is why we’re including our FREE E-Book – “Picking Locks for Beginners: How to Get Started” FREE with any purchase which you will receive with your order confirmation email.

Inside the downloadable E-Book you will find all you need to familiarize yourself with your new tool set and access to in-depth tutorials.

Truth be told that’s definitely not the only reason to own this kit.

There are actually many other reasons to own the Ultimate Access Lock Pick Set.

:: Gets You Into a Locked Car – Beyond opening doors and picking locks the Ultimate Access Lock Pick will help you start a car without a key. Obviously this is only for a crisis…but if you’re in an emergency situation you can use this set to start a car without the original key

:: Help Free Prisoners – Imagine a loved one is kidnapped, or you yourself are taken away in cuffs. Thanks to the lock pick set you can help rescue someone from the bondage of chains

:: Never Pay a Locksmith Again – Don’t fork out $100 plus if you’re locked out of your car or home. Instead just turn to your trust Ultimate Access Lock Pick Set and unlock that door you absentmindedly locked behind you yourself!

:: Makes a Great Hobby – Millions of people worldwide like picking locks for fun. If you like a challenge you can use this set to start off with the easy stuff and move on to more advanced lock picking. The FREE Ebook “Lock Picking Secrets of the Pros” will help. Pretty obvious why it pays to have a Lock Pick set, doesn’t it?

Is The #1 Choice for Survivalist

Stores Inside Leather Pouch Lock Pick sets aren’t exactly new.

But when we decided to offer one we wanted to make absolutely sure it was the kind of quality we could stand behind.

Below are 4 reasons you should get the Ultimate Access Lock Pick Set over any other.

  1. Comes with everything you need: The Ultimate Access Lock Pick Set comes with 12 picks for any type of lock, 3 tension wrenches, 1 see-through padlock & key, plus a leather pouch. You’ve got everything needed to pick almost any lock..
  2. Works with the clumsiest hands: A chief complain about most lockpicks is they’re too small to work with. For this reason we overbuilt the handles from reinforced metal so anyone can grip them comfortably.
  3. Tough and durable: All the picks in the set are made from a strong, durable carbon based metal. This specific metal will withstand the pressure and twisting that commonly breaks inferior lock picks helping guarantee you get years and years of use out of your picks.
  4. Lightweight and compact: The entire set of 12 picks along with the practice lock and the included carrying case weigh just 6 oz. Light enough so you can carry it along to practice with anywhere, anytime.

=> Click Here For Instant Access To Unlimited Access Lock-pick Set



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